ARK: Survival Evolved Server Hosting

Ramp up the intensity with an ark server rental! Experience an immersive, character-driven campaign that will leave you on the edge of your seat. start your ark server hosting in 55 seconds.
  • Lett å håndtere
  • 24/7/365 Brukerstøtte
  • Gratis DDOS-beskyttelse
  • cPanel Hosting
SSL Certifisert

Spillvertsplaner for alle nivåer

Rent Your Best Ark Survival Server Hosting Now

We offer the most affordable pricing plans for all hosting Ark Server tiers.

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Mest Populære

ARK Survival Evolved - 32 spilleautomater


$35.50 Spar 10%

Faktureres månedlig.


  • Kraftig utstyr
  • NVMe SSD-disker
  • Full FTP-tilgang
  • Automatiske sikkerhetskopier
  • Autoinstaller mods
  • Gratis MySQL DB
  • lang_key_70112_ddos_protection
Mest Populære

ARK Survival Evolved - 56 spilleautomater


$62.25 Spar 10%

Faktureres månedlig.


  • Kraftig utstyr
  • NVMe SSD-disker
  • Full FTP-tilgang
  • Automatiske sikkerhetskopier
  • Autoinstaller mods
  • Gratis MySQL DB
  • lang_key_70112_ddos_protection

Tilgjengelige betalingsmåter

*Kampanjepriser er alltid gyldige. Gratis domene kun tilgjengelig for årlige hostingplaner.

Planene fornyes i samme takt.

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Get the Best Ark Servers Features from Ultahost

Enjoy a seamless ark survival server with an amazing gaming experience today!

Globale serverplasseringer

Make your ark server rental experience the best it can be by hosting a server with 8+ global server locations that offer lightning-fast speed and low latency.

Lynrask NVMe SSD

Your ark game server is hosted on our Enterprise-grade NVMe SSD storage arrays which deliver 10x reliable lightning-fast data transfer.

99,99 % tjenesteoppetid

Our service guarantees an impressive 99.9% uptime, providing you with reliable and dependable performance that won't let you down!

8+ betalingsmåter

Paypal, direkte belastning, kredittkort, rask overføring, payoneer og kryptovalutaer som BTC, ETH og mer er tilgjengelige som betalingsalternativer.

Intel Xeon-prosessorer

Med våre spillservere sikrer vi at kundene våre får ytelse og pålitelighet av høyeste kvalitet med kun de nyeste Intel Xeon Gold- og Platinum-prosessorene som driver alle serverne våre.

Security & Updates

We manage the security of your ark survival server hosting. We automatically update your game instances and their plugins to the latest version and patch against common exploits.

Alt valgt med ytelse i midten.

Powerful Server Hardware

Kraftig servermaskinvare

  • AMD Ryzen / Intel Xeon
  • Høyhastighets DDR4-minne
  • NVMe SSd-matriser
Low-Latency Networks

Nettverk med lav latens

Nyt forsinkelsesfri, responsiv spilling på våre høyytelsesnettverk. velg fra vårt utvalg av globale lokasjoner som utgjør vårt globale nettverk. vi jobber hardt for å sikre lavest mulig ventetid.

DDoS Protection

DDoS-beskyttelse som standard

DDoS-angrep er et stort problem i Minecraft-serverplassen. Selvhosting eller hosting hos en utilstrekkelig beskyttet leverandør setter deg i fare for uønsket nedetid som følge av angrep.

Sjekk hva kundene våre sier!

Sjekk vår 5-stjerners vurderingsbeskrivelse


Dylan Corbitt


Great experience with 5 star

I recently played on ultahost Ark server, and overall, I found it to be a great experience. The support was friendly and responsive to any issues that arose. would recommend it to others looking for a fun and unique multiplayer experience.


Tue 26 April


Kauan Goncalves


The best gaming hosting

This company is remarkable. Regardless of the inquiry or issue I have, they quickly offer a helpful solution. Accessing their server properties, FTP and other accessibilities are easily navigable for even novice users.


Thu 15 Feb


Nasib Abdul-Qadir


Customer service is the best!

Ultahost has consistently demonstrated a commitment to unparalleled customer service. They are responsive and worked diligently until they got the answers I needed. For over a year, I have experienced nothing but positive interactions with their staff.


Sun 26 May


Jimmy Faure


Top Notch Support

With prior experience in dealing with customer service, I was wary that they would rush through the problem-solving process to add another star in their "resolved cases" list. Nevertheless, I had several attempts at seeking support for different types of websites.


Fri 05 Jan


Albero Glatt


They know their stuff

Every time I had an inquiry or a demand, they gave me a very precise answer on the same day! It's exhilarating to converse with them; their level of expertise is as high as that of any avid gamer. Plus, it seems like they really have solid knowledge about gaming and its intricacies.


Wed 13 Mar


Timo Naaijkens


Pretty good

In a single minute, after I submitted my help ticket about a private problem I had, the issue was addressed and resolved! this company should get the superb always from us


Sat 06 Jun

Ark Server Rental FAQs

You can find here a list of frequently asked questions and answers on a particular topic of ark survival evolved server.

Ark: Survival Evolved is an open-source sandbox game with an adventure theme. The game transports the player to the island of ARK. The game's primary goal is to survive as long as possible on this Ark, which is home to wild species and prehistoric animals such as dinosaurs.

Yes, you can play the game without an internet connection. However, in the offline game mode, you are only competing against the computer. Other modes, including multiplayer, rely heavily on internet access.

Hosting a VPS server for your ARK game puts you in touch with other ARK players. You can join or connect with strangers who want to play the game with you, making exploring the game world more enjoyable.

On every ARK VPS hosting server, UltaHost provides the best root access. Because you own the resources, you can fully control the hosting server with root and administrative access. You can also make any changes, settings, or configurations you want.

Yes, our ARK servers allow gamers from other devices and machines to play together. Epic Games Launcher, Steam, Android, iOS, Xbox One, Windows, and many others are among them.

The system requirements for running your ARK server depend on a number of factors, including the number of players expected to play the game, the size of the game world, as well as the number of mods and plugins to be installed. Overall, you'll need a powerful processor (CPU), RAM, hard disc space, a broadband connection, and a variety of other components.

Yes! UltaHost makes every effort to ensure our clients' ease of use by providing technical support. While you play your game, our experts are available 24/7 to answer any questions, troubleshoot, and maintain your server.

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