11 Non-Obvious Ideas to Promote Your Brand on the Internet

11 out-of-the-box ideas to promote your brand on the Internet

If you are actively developing your project, you use traditional online marketing methods. Business must, however, stand out, so find out about unusual and non-obvious ways to promote your business, brand, activities, services, and products online. 

Social media

Facebook Group

On Facebook, it is worth creating a group. Building a community can be difficult if it would be directly related to your company, brand, or products, so try to find a topic that connects your customers and arouses emotions. 

The Facebook group is a truly social medium based on the community. Other members – not you – should fuel the discussion. Your job is to moderate it, guard compliance with the rules, and animate debates when necessary. Make sure that your brand has the exclusive right to advertise among companies in your industry, but do not advertise too insistently.


Twitter loses to Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube as a marketing medium. But that doesn’t mean it has fewer opportunities to promote your business. It is an excellent tool for an imaginative commentary on current events, perfect for any communication style. 

It is ideal for a humorous style through short and sharp comments on current events. Twitter is also a valuable complement to a serious style where you post your views and summaries of opinions. Remember that each Tweet should fit within the character limit. If you want to write longer posts, choose a different medium. Twitter is a place for one or two sentences.


LinkedIn is the perfect place if your target group consists of people interested in their professional careers. If you target travelers, LinkedIn probably isn’t the place for you, but if you’re a B2B retailer, you need to harness the network’s potential by creating engaging content.


Pinterest is rarely seen as a good marketing platform, but if you do it well, you can achieve great results. It is perfect for gastronomy, interior decoration, or art industries.


Clubhouse is a social networking platform based on voice. The application in 2020 and 2021 promised to be a great success, but in 2022 its popularity decreased. Nevertheless, Clubhouse users often are less active on other social media – so it’s worth getting interested in this topic.

It can be advantageous if you host a podcast: Podcasters on Clubhouse can record their podcasts and let them be heard live without editing, For some people, this natural format may be more interesting because it allows them to see what it looks like from the inside. If you were recording offline, you would probably not reach these people.

You can also use Clubhouse for group discussions or interviews with experts.


You can apply either humorous or quite serious strategies here. The age of the average user is increasing. In addition to purely entertainment content, they also look for quick guides, inspiration, or motivation. 

There is a lot of interesting, substantive content here, so being on TikTok can be an attractive way to convey the subject matter. Thanks to the developed mechanism of hashtags, you can gain large ranges for your materials.

Social media

Bot on a fan page

It is a great way to promote and increase your reach on Facebook. You can use it for promotion and notifications or configure it for a given phrase that someone will enter in the comment. 

For example, if you post a post: “write X in the comment, and I will give you a gift”, the bot will contact people who commented and send them a link with the gift. Thanks to this, you do not cut the reach by adding a link in the post; on the contrary, you improve it because you get more comments.

Another way to use the bot is through the newsletter. When they sign up by sending a message, the bot will send them messages regularly. Email newsletters have an open rate of less than 40%, while bot newsletters reach 90%.

Immediate troubleshooting

You should be in constant contact with your target group. Thanks to this, you can impact the solution to their problems. The best forms of an immediate solution to your recipient’s problem are webinars, live shows, radio events, and Q&A events. It improves audience attachment and builds loyalty and authority.


These are online events that you can use to promote your brand. Look for curious and popular challenges involving a lot of people. Participation in them is especially good for beginners. They are about completing tasks leading you to a specific goal and sharing impressions, problems, and effects with other participants. 

Group work is frequent, thanks to which you can meet people who do what you do and gain new followers. Participation in challenges focuses on commitment. You are in a community where can meet other people with similar interests to yours. 

On the other hand, if you already have an established brand, it’s worth creating your challenges. You organize a multi-day event during which you give recipients some tasks, a sense of community, and going towards the same goal.

Involving recipients in creating products

You can show the backstage of your business, problems, bugs, and how to deal with them. Thanks to this, you will gain credibility and take pressure off other people.

Engaging influencers

You can pay for cooperation with influencers or send them your products for testing. Thoughtfully choose the right person and offer a sincere business proposal.

Engaging influencers

Establishing a relationship

You don’t need to always pay for promotional support. Establish relationships with other creators, offering them your help or asking for advice. If you both will get close to each other, you may eventually start receiving referrals. By creating strong and sincere relationships and helping others, you may gain a lot, because the people you helped will want to repay you.

You can also establish relationships with brands. When you conduct a course, or training, record videos, or create other content, you can ask if they want to participate. They could prepare a special offer for your audience. You can negotiate discounts and some of them may promote your content on their channels.

It’s good to aim high and write messages asking for cooperation. You lose nothing but can gain a lot.


Be active not only on your social media. Show yourself from the expert’s side and show that you have an opinion on various topics. Take part in compelling discussions. Don’t miss industry events. 

It is even worth getting involved in creating them for charity; thanks to this, you will gain contacts that will allow you to find new opportunities to promote your brand. You can meet great people and establish relationships.


If you create content, you can do a series of interviews or invite others to write guest articles. You can establish relationships with them. Promote each interlocutor in advance on your channels. This way, your partner will probably share these posts on their social media channels, allowing you to reach new audiences as well.

Inviting several people to one publication

The previous point is about inviting one person to cooperate, but there is also the possibility of creating content with a group of experts. The idea is to choose one specific topic and create joint content in collaboration with several people. 

Another interesting way is to create rankings and TOP summaries, and at the same time, invite experts to comment. Very often, people involved in the article share information about it in their channels.

Traditional media

It is worth trying to contact the radio, newspapers, or television, and try out more traditional forms of promotion. Such media can bring new audiences. Share the information that you appeared in traditional media because such posts have wide ranges, and thus you reach new audiences.

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