Zásady používání souborů cookie UltaHost

 UltaHost understands the importance of its customers' privacy and the protection of their personal data. The current policy sets out how personal data we collect will be handled and processed. 

This site is operated by UltaHost. It is important to us that we create and maintain an environment in which our customers feel comfortable not to misuse their information. 

We comply with applicable data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation and national data protection laws. These data protection laws relate to the protection of your personal data and give you rights with respect to your personal data. 

The purpose of this policy is to tell you what personal data we collect from you and how your data will be used after using our website to try to ensure the correct handling of your data. 


What personal data is collected? 

You do not have to provide your personal data to us in order to use most of our websites. 

For the purposes listed below, UltaHost may collect and process the following categories of personal data about you: 

  • name, surname and address.

  • contact details (email, phone number).

  • Company.

  • You may also choose to provide additional/optional information when completing forms on our website or that you provide to us when we communicate with you (by phone, email, at trade shows or events).

Furthermore, we may also collect and process information obtained through our websites or the devices you use. This information could be: 

  • Information from cookies, web beacons, or from the Internet. This information will be collected automatically and may be the website you visited before browsing our site or the website you visit after ours. We may also collect information about the pages of our website that you visit, your IP addresses, browser type, access times, and operating system. This information is collected and is not used to identify you.

  • data we obtain from other websites, for example if you ask us to connect to your Facebook account.

  • We may record any telephone calls for quality assurance and for training purposes.

  • UltaHost may also collect publicly accessible information to verify the information we have collected and to administer and expand our business.


Why do we collect this information? 

UltaHost collects the above information to understand your needs and to provide you with a better service, more specifically we collect your information for the following purposes: 

  • Your personal data will be used to respond to your inquiries (online) about our products or services, to provide you with information about our products, and to follow online offers.

  • provide the products and services you have requested.

  • verify your identity and financial data to pay for our products and services.

  • The information will be used to improve our products and services.

  • investigate complaints about products or services or related to our website.

  • meet legal, regulatory and compliance obligations and requirements.

  • Analyze and monitor the use of accounts to prevent and investigate fraud, terrorism, misrepresentation, security incidents or crime and/or report it to the appropriate authorities.

  • periodically send promotional emails about our products and services, or about special offers or other information which we think may be of interest to you.

  • Contact you from time to time for market research purposes. We may contact you by email or telephone.

  • process your personal data for specific purposes as stated on specific forms as posted on our website or in written or email notices.


How your information will be used and shared 

UltaHost may share your personal data: 

  • with companies in our group and/or our affiliates. or

  • with any third party with whom you have asked us to share your personal data – such as Facebook or any other social media site if you have asked us to connect to your account.

  • We may also share your personal data, based on our legitimate interest, with third party providers who assist us with our products and services. Examples include hosting our web servers, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, and providing customer service. These companies will have access to your personal data but only when absolutely necessary to perform their functions and may not use this data for any other purpose.

  • Your personal data will not be sold or rented to third parties.

  • We may disclose your personal data to enforce our policies, to comply with our legal obligations or in the interests of security, the public interest or law enforcement in any country in which we have entities or affiliates. For example, we may respond to a request from a law enforcement agency, regulatory body, or government. We may also disclose data in connection with actual or proposed litigation, or to protect our property, security, people, and other rights or interests.


Rights of data owners 

You have the right to see the information held about you and to obtain a copy of the information we hold. If your personal data has been changed, you have the right to ask us to correct, complete or erase outdated, incorrect or incomplete data we have about you. Furthermore, you have the right to restrict the processing of your data and to object to the processing of your personal data. You also have the right to data acquisition to receive personal data about him, which he has provided to a console, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transfer this data to another console. 

We may ask you to provide verification of your identity to ensure that you have a legitimate right to apply and to verify that we provide the answer to the person who has the legitimate right to submit one of the above requests to us and to obtain information. 

Please note that in certain circumstances as required by law, we may withhold access to your information or we may not consent to your request when we have the right to do so under applicable data protection legislation. 

If you would like more information regarding the processing of your personal data or if you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us at [email protected] 

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority (data protection). 


Use of cookies and navigation tracking 

UltaHost uses cookies on its website and customer area to ensure the best possible operation during browsing. 

Also, UltaHost uses an analytical tool for navigation tracking which is based on anonymized tracking, so no personal data is kept. 

The UltaHost website uses the following cookies: 

slaask-token-spk-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx: This is a cookie used by our chat support software, it allows the proper functioning of the chat system while you are browsing.

The UltaHost customer area uses the following cookies: 

  • WHMCSxxxxxxxxx: This is a session cookie used by our customer area to ensure that you are properly logged into your customer account.

  • _GRECAPTCHA: This is a cookie used by our Google Recaptcha anti-robot system.

  • slaask-token-spk-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx: This is a cookie used by our chat support software, it allows the proper functioning of the chat system while you are browsing.

  • __stripe_mid: This is a cookie used by our payment processor by credit card Stripe, this cookie allows an anti-fraud analysis when paying by credit card.

These cookies being essential for the proper functioning of our website, it is not possible to deactivate them. 



UltaHost is committed to trying to ensure that your information is secure. We have implemented reasonable technical and organizational measures to secure your Personal Data from accidental or unlawful damage, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to Personal Data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. However, you should remember that the Internet is an open system and we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not be able to circumvent these measures or use your personal data for improper purposes. 

This website may contain links to third party websites. UltaHost is not responsible for the content of these sites and is not responsible for the privacy standards and practices of such third parties. We recommend that you read and understand the relevant privacy policies of these third parties and their websites before accepting their cookies and visiting their website to ensure that your personal data is adequately protected. 


Changes to this policy 

UltaHost may modify and update this Policy from time to time to ensure that the Policy represents the way we process your personal data at that time. We will place an updated version of this policy on the same webpage and it will automatically become effective when it is posted. Please return to this webpage regularly to ensure that you are always aware of what information we collect and process, how your data is used, and under what circumstances and in which cases we will share your data with third parties. 

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