Zásady ochrany osobních údajů

All privacy policy rights are reserves to UltaHost, and they have the authority to suspend any account which is violating the following clauses of the agreement. By accepting that agreement, you are restricted to follow terms & policies of UltaHost.

Modification of Agreement:
UltaHost has the right to change or modify anything into the agreement or in policies, at any time in its sole and absolute inclination, and in unobjectionable by anyone. And those modifications shall be effective from the instant when they uploaded on the site. Utilization of this Site or the Services, after such changes or alterations, have been made will establish your acknowledgement of this Agreement as last overhauled. If you don't consent to be limited by this Agreement as last updated, don't utilize (or keep on using) this Site or the Services. Moreover, UltaHost may update you about the changes and modification in service agreement via email. UltaHost assumes no answerability or responsibility if you won’t get notification emails because of the incorrect email address. That’s why we recommend you keep your shopper account information updated. UltaHost also has a right to terminate, your services upon a violation or breach of any of the clause of the agreement.

UltaHost holds the right to change, update or terminate any aspect of this site or the services, including without limitation of prices and fees for the same, at any time.

Eligibility Authority:
Service is only available for the users, who can legally have the constitutional right to sign the agreement. For using these services, you must be eligible of it, and eligibility criteria are:

  1. You are at least 18 years old
  2. In any case, perceived as having the option to shape legitimately restricting agreements under material law
  3. You are not an individual banned from buying or getting the Services found under the laws of the United States or other appropriate purview.

Suppose you are going into this Agreement, on behalf of some corporate entity. In that case, you must have the legal position to speak and tie such corporate element to the terms and conditions within this codified Agreement, in such case the terms “you, your, user, customer, client” shall be referred to that corporate entity. Suppose after acceptance of E-agreement, UltaHost finds that you don’t have the legal authority to undertake such corporate entity. In that case, you will be answerable for the commitments contained in this Agreement, including payments, however not restricted to, the instalment commitments. 
UltaHost shall not be responsible for any loss or damage, occurs by UltaHost in the result of dependency on any instruction, document, communication or command reasonably believed by UltaHost to be genuine and originating from an authorized representative of corporate entity. Assume there is sensible uncertainty about the validness of any such guidance, notice, archive or correspondence, UltaHost claims all authority to require extra verification from you. You further consent to be limited by the particulars of this Agreement for exchanges went by you or anybody, as your representative or any individual who utilizes your data or the Services, regardless of whether approved by you.

Data Protection Policy:

UltaHost offers a diversified range of hosting services available to you that may involve the submission, collection and use of personal identity, information about you and your customer & nature of business details. In the course of your, use of service. UltaHost takes your data for selection/categorist to exclude irrelevant user content. For the DPA (Data Processing Agreement) and the Standard Contractual Clauses attached to the DPA, you are considered the Data Controller. Your acknowledgement to the terms of administration administering Covered Services, at the hour of acquisition of any Covered Services will likewise be treated as your affirmation and disclosure of the DPA and its supplements.

User Content:

  • A part of the features of this Site or the Services, including those Services that are facilitated with UltaHost: 
    May permit Users to see, post, distribute, offer, store, or deal with thoughts, feelings, proposals, or guidance using discussion posts, content submitted regarding a challenge, item audits or suggestions, or photographs to be merged into a web-based media occasion or movement ("User Submissions"), or scholarly, aesthetic, melodic, or other substance, including however not restricted to photographs and recordings (along with User Submissions, "Client Content").
  • All importance submitted through your Account is viewed as User Content. By posting or distributing User Content to this Site or to or through the Services, you speak to and warrant to UltaHost that you have all fundamental rights to disperse User Content utilizing this Site or using the Services, either because you are the writer of the User Content and reserve the privilege to disseminate the equivalent, or because you have the suitable circulation rights, licenses, assents, as well as consents to use, recorded as a hard copy, from the copyright or other proprietor of the User Content.
  • The User Content doesn't abuse the privileges of any outsider. You will be exclusively answerable for any of your User Content or User Content that submitted through your Account, and the results of, and prerequisites for, disseminating it.



Depending on what information we collect from you and how we collect it, we rely on various grounds for processing your information under the GDPR, including the following:

  • In order to administer our contractual relationship, including setting up your requested Services, payments, renewals and processes;
  • Because it is in our legitimate interest to run a successful and efficient business and provide you with the Services and other useful content;
  • In order to fulfill any legal obligations we may have to collect this information from you; and/or
  • Because you have provided your consent for us to do so.



In addition to the rights outlined above, where the GDPR or UK Data Protection Act or related data protection laws apply, you may:

  • Ask whether we process personal information about you, and if we do, to access data we hold about you and certain information about how we use it and who we share it with.
  • Request that we delete the personal information we hold about you in certain limited circumstances.
  • Request that we stop processing the personal information we hold about you.
  • Object to our processing of data about you.


User Submission:

  • You recognize and concur that your User Submissions are entirely deliberate, don't build up a classified relationship or commit UltaHost to regard your User Submissions as private or mystery, that UltaHost does not achieve, either express or suggested, to create or utilize your User Submissions. No pay is because of you or to any other person for any purposeful or inadvertent utilization of your User Submissions, and that UltaHost might be chipping away at the equivalent or comparable substance, it might know about such significance from different sources, it might essentially wish to build up this (or comparative) content all alone, or it might have made/will take some other move.
  • UltaHost will claim elite rights (counting all protected innovation and other restrictive rights) to any User Submissions presented on this Site and will be qualified for the unlimited use and scattering of any User Submissions presented on this Site for any reason, business or something else, without affirmation or pay to you or any other person.

User Content other than user submission:

  • We recognize and concur that your User Submissions are altogether deliberate, don't build up a classified relationship or commit UltaHost to regard your User Submissions as private or mystery that UltaHost does not commit either express or inferred, to create or utilize your User Submissions. No remuneration is because of you or to any other person for any purposeful or unexpected utilization of your User Submissions, and that UltaHost might be dealing with the equivalent or comparative substance, it might know about such substance from different sources, it might essentially wish to build up this (or comparable) content all alone, or it might have made/will take some other move.
  • UltaHost will possess special rights (counting all intellectual property and other restrictive rights) to any User Submissions presented on this Site and will be qualified for the rampant use and scattering of any User Submissions presented on this Site for any reason, business or something else, without affirmation or pay to you or any other person.

User Content 

  • By posting/publishing User Content to the Site, you approve UltaHost to utilize the intellectual property and other exclusive rights in and to your User Content to empower incorporation and utilization of the User Content in the way pondered by this Site and this Agreement. You thus award UltaHost an around the world, non-select, sovereignty free, sublicensable (through different levels), and adaptable permit to utilize, duplicate, circulate, plan subsidiary works of, consolidate with various works, show, and play out your User Content regarding this Site, the Services and UltaHost's (and UltaHost's affiliates') organizations, including without constraint for advancing and redistributing all or part of this Site in any media designs and through any media channels without limitations of any sort and instalment or other thought of any type, or authorization or warning, to you or any outsider. You additionally, therefore, award every User of this Site a non-selective permit to get to your User Content (except for User Content that you assign "private" or "secret word ensured") through this Site, and to utilize, recreate, appropriate, get ready subsidiary works of, consolidate with different works, show, and play out your User Content as allowed through the usefulness of this Site and under this Agreement. The above licenses permitted by you in your User Content end inside a monetarily sensible time after you eliminate or erase your User Content from this Site. You comprehend and concur, nonetheless, that UltaHost may hold (yet not disseminate, show, or perform) worker duplicates of your User Content that have been taken out or erased. The above licenses conceded by you in your User Content are interminable and unalterable. Despite anything to the opposite contained thus, UltaHost will not utilize any User Content that has been assigned "private" or "secret key secured" by you to advance this Site or UltaHost's (or UltaHost's affiliates') business(es). On the off chance, you have a site or other substance facilitated by UltaHost, and you will hold the entirety of your possession or authorized rights in User Content.


Monitoring of content; Account termination policy:

UltaHost generally doesn't pre-screen User Content (regardless of whether presented on a site by user hosted at UltaHost). Notwithstanding, UltaHost saves the right to see content to do as such and choose whether anything of User Content is proper and additionally follows this Agreement. UltaHost may remove anything of User Content (regardless of whether presented on a site facilitated by UltaHost or shown on this Site) as well as end a User's admittance to this Site or Services found at the Site, for posting or publishing any material infringing upon this Agreement, or for in any case disregarding this Agreement (as dictated by UltaHost in its sole and total circumspection), whenever and without earlier notification. UltaHost may likewise end a User's admittance to this Site or the Services found at this Site if UltaHost has the motivation to accept the User is a recurrent perp. Maybe UltaHost ends your admittance to this Site or the Services found at this Site, UltaHost may, in its sole and supreme prudence, eliminate and eradicate any information and records put away by you on its workers.

Refund Policy
Not all payments are automatically refunded when you cancel UltaHost hosting services. This article discusses when refunds are automatically issued and what payment methods can be refunded.

Spam Policy:
We don't tolerate through the transmission of spam. We screen all traffic to and from our web labourers for indications of spamming and keep up a spam abuse fight centre to enrol charges of spam abuse. Customers suspected to use our things and services to send spam are investigated. If we conclude, there is a spam issue, and we will make the excellent move to decide the situation. 

We describe spam as the sending of Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE), Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE) or Unsolicited Facsimiles (Fax), which is email or duplicate dispatched off recipients as a promotion or something different, without first getting prior asserted consent to get these trades. This can fuse, anyway isn't limited to, the going with: 

  • Email Messages
  • Newsgroup postings
  • Windows system messages
  • Spring up messages (also called "adware" or "spyware" messages)
  • Writings (using AOL, MSN, Yahoo or other second dispatch programs)
  • Online visit room plugs
  • Guestbook or Website Forum postings
  • Duplicate Solicitations
  • Text/SMS Messages

We won't grant our labourers and services to be used for the reasons portrayed already. To use our things and services, you ought not merely to keep each applicable law and rules, which consolidate the Can-Spam Act of 2003 and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, any way you ought to moreover submit to this no spam technique. Business publicizing or possibly mass messages or faxes may simply be transported off recipients who have "picked in" to get notifications. They should consolidate a genuine return address and answer to address, the sender's physical area, and a quit methodology in the footer of the email or fax. Upon request by us, persuading confirmation regarding select in may be required for an email address or fax number. 

In case we choose the record, things, or services being alluded to are being used in relationship with spam, we may re-direct, suspend, or drop any document, a site encouraging, space enlistment, email boxes, or other material things or services. In such event, at our political race, we may anticipate that you should respond by email to us communicating that you will stop to send spam and have spam sent for the wellbeing of you and to require a non-refundable reactivation charge to be paid before the site, email boxes, just as services are reactivated. 

We stimulate all customers and recipients of email made from our things and services to report assumed spam. Suspected abuse can be represented by email or through our Spam Abuse Complaint Center on the Web. Web: report abuse.

Liquidated Policy:
You agree that UltaHost may promptly suspend any Account which we accept, in our sole and total carefulness, is communicating or is generally associated with any spam or other spontaneous mass email. Likewise, on the off chance that genuine harms can't be sensibly determined, at that point you agree to pay us sold harms in the measure of $1.00 for each bit of spam or spontaneous mass email communicated from or in any case associated with your Account.