SSD & NVMe Hosting
NVMe-disker gir forbedret ytelse og pålitelighet, og overgår tradisjonelle disker for moderne nettkrav.
Innebygd cache
Vårt integrerte hurtigbuffersystem, med Varnish, Memcached og Redis, øker nettstedets lastehastighet betydelig.
Optimalisert stabel
For greater performance, our system combines PHP-FPM and MySQL/MariaDB databases with Apache and NGINX web servers.
We enable PHP 5.6.x and the most recent PHP 8.x versions so that you can evaluate compatibility and upgrade as necessary.
99.99% Oppetid
No single point of failure true Singapore hosting. To provide a fantastic uptime, our hosting automatically moves, balances, and tunes the client instances.
The 14th generation Dell servers that power our servers are highly optimized. configured to provide the highest level of hard drive, network, and power redundancy.
Dedikerte firewalls
We frequently update the firmware on our servers and apply patches to ensure that your websites are safe from threats.
SSL Serfikater
Visitors' trust is gained, and an SSL certificate assures that their data is sent securely. Simply click to deploy it without cost.
To keep your account and server secure, we offer two-factor authentication, identify questionable login attempts, and issue notifications.
To prohibit or enable IP addresses for SSH/SFTP access to your account or database, you can make a list of whitelisted IPs.
BitNinja Sikkerhet
Vi sikrer din tilstedeværelse på nettet ved å beskytte nettstedets omdømme og besøkende mot nettrusler, vi skanner nettstedet ditt for skadelig programvare og andre sårbarheter.
Database Sikkerhet
Our integrated database security technology guards against vulnerabilities and stops illegal access to your data.
Flere OS-valg
We provide a variety of Linux and Windows OS options as well as the option to install your own ISO.
Støtte for flere språk
There are other programming languages available, including PHP 5-8, Perl, and Python. You employ the technology of your choice.
Vertikal skalering
When necessary, you can quickly increase your server's resources so that your website is always accessible.
Ingen kontrakt
We never force our clients to sign a contract or shell out a set sum for hosting services they don't use.
Flere lokalisasjoner
UltaHost runs out of numerous data center locations, enabling more regional hosting and faster user experience.
Ubegrenset nettsteder
As many websites as you require can be hosted by acquiring or employing an equal number of domain names. This is quite helpful for your companies.
Egendefinerte oppsett
Din online digitale virksomhet settes opp umiddelbart med en gratis installasjonsprosess ved hjelp av vårt ekspertstøtteteam, velg skriptet og overlat resten til oss
SSH, SFTP Tilgang
With SSH/SFTP, you may access your server or website and carry out administrative activities while maintaining a high level of security.
24/7 overvåking
You can gain unmatched visibility into your infrastructure with Ultahost Monitoring, a free feature. therefore giving you more time to concentrate on expanding your business.
Team Samarbeid
To increase productivity, you can give team members varying degrees of access to your server or application using our built-in team collaboration functionality.
Høy tilgjengelighet
To help our customers create high availability configurations and assign hosting services to IP addresses in a flexible manner, we have implemented floating IPs.
Bruker Roller
Give each member of your team a specific role so they can access your server or website from anywhere.
Our team of specialists is available around-the-clock; all you have to do is write your question into the live chat box, and they'll be happy to help.
Aktivt fellesskap
Customers and specialists who regularly share their knowledge and expertise with the UltaHost community make up our vibrant community.
You can consult our wide library of knowledge-base guides for assistance with our platform.
To keep track of your specific inquiry, you can always start a ticket; our customer service team will respond to it appropriately.
Tilleggs støtte
You can choose an Advanced or Premium support add-on in addition to Standard assistance, in which case our Senior Support Engineers collaborate with your internal team.
For troubleshooting, we've incorporated server and website monitoring tools. You can get in touch with us as well, and our staff will handle it.