Find Your Perfect Domain.

Our pricing structure is transparent from the outset, with no hidden charges.
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Think, choose what suits you

$17.49 20% Off
Renews at $13.99 /årlig
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$17.60 20% Off
Renews at $14.08 /årlig
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$19.38 20% Off
Renews at $15.50 /årlig
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$28.28 20% Off
Renews at $22.62 /årlig
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$21.18 20% Off
Renews at $16.94 /årlig
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$43.53 20% Off
Renews at $34.82 /årlig
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$24.36 20% Off
Renews at $19.49 /årlig
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$3.75 20% Off
Renews at $3.00 /årlig
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Choose what suits you from different domain extensions

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Find helpful information, if you are new to domain names


Choose simplicity

Don't try to choose a complex domain instead try to choose a domain that is easy to remember.

Keep it on-brand

Choose a distinct domain but keep in mind that it must be honest and related to your brand.

Act fast

Don't wait too long. That perfect domain you've chosen may be chosen by someone else tomorrow.

Drop the hyphens

Just because the internet is high-tech doesn’t mean your domain name should be.

Know your requirements

Grab similar domain names, with other extensions, to protect your brand: .net, .org, .co, or even .photo.

Give your domain a boost

Now you have secured your dream domain name, check out these...


Add secure and reliable hosting to your domain through our affordable plans.
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SSL Protection

Choose from top SSL certificates to secure your site data.
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Private Email

Get fast, intuitive business or personal email that’s linked to your domain.
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Get your domain for free? why not!

Satisfaction is our priority, and we back it up with our guarantee.

Get it Gratis with hosting
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Get it Gratis with hosting
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Get it Gratis with hosting
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Get it Gratis with hosting
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free support for our shared hosting servers

24/7 support

Better together.
Finally, a team that partners with you to understand your technology, implement the solutions you need, and empower your business.
We provide premium technology solutions for the domain name or configure the domain binding to the hosting.
Partner with us for smart, holistic 24/7 support.
Just write to us through the pop-up window "Technical Support" And leave the rest to us .

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Privacy And Security

Your domain name is your online business’s most valuable asset. To minimize the chances of it being stolen or abused, protect it to keep your domain name safe!

Ensuring the safety and security of domain is one of our priorities. Our domain names are checked for abuse daily.

If you have questions about your domain , get in touch with our 24/7 Customer Support department . They’ll be glad to provide you with all the help and resources you need.


Ofte stillede spørgsmål

.co er et top-level domæne (TLD) oprindeligt tildelt Colombia, men lanceret globalt i 2010. Det er anerkendt over hele verden og passer til enhver industri. .co-domænet er et populært valg for virksomheder, virksomheder og iværksættere.

Gennem UltaHost, når du køber den årelange aktiehosting eller dedikerede serverplan , modtager du domænenavnet for absolut ingenting. Start nu.

Ja, .co kan være et glimrende alternativ til .com. Mens .com står for kommerciel, kan .CO referere til en virksomhed eller et selskab.

Da .com er populært og potentielt allerede taget for dit ønskede navn, tilbyder .CO en frisk og tilgængelig mulighed.

.co domæneudvidelser er korte, mindeværdige og intuitive, hvilket gør det til et glimrende valg til firma- og virksomhedswebsteder. Derudover er .co-domæner bygget på brancheførende teknologi med forbedrede sikkerhedsfunktioner.

At købe et .co-domænenavn er meget ligetil med UltaHost. Brug blot søgelinjen øverst på denne side for at kontrollere domænets tilgængelighed, og følg derefter trinene i for at fuldføre domæneregistreringsprocessen.

Absolut, du kan overføre domæneregistreringen eller opdatere DNS på din nuværende registrator, så den peger mod din Ultahost-hostingkonto eller begge dele. Vi anbefaler, at du hoster begge og beholder dette domænes register hos os for at få den mest effektive kundeserviceoplevelse. UltaHost tilbyder også et gratis webstedsmigreringsværktøj .

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