Comparison between WoWonder and Sngine social network scripts

Wowonder vs. sengine

Social networking is the ultimate means of connecting with family, friends, relatives, and loved ones; and for doing commercial (business).

Oftentimes, we are faced with the decision of which social network script to employ in creating our website or platform that will provide the best experience or a website with cool features that will satisfy our clients. It often becomes a difficult decision to make, especially when you are looking for the best social networking software. Here, I explored a comparison of two popular social network scripts: Wowonder and Sngine, their share attributes, differences, and insights on which one to buy when you are considering creating your website or online community.


Wowonder is a leading Hypertext Pre-Processor (PHP) social network script, which enables you to start your website or an online community. Wowonder is considered by many users as the best social script, because it is fast, secured, and is updated regularly.

This social network was mentioned on our Top 10 Best social scripts article, WoWonder script has numerous striking features, such as high customization, superfast, high performance, cloud upload, latest technology, fully responsive, and a powerful administrator panel (Admin Panel). It is highly customized, which allows you to change any settings or customize any color of your choice via the Admin Panel. It has a very powerful cache system, that makes your site super-fast, and high-performance, which is due to the secure system allowing your site to handle over one million users.

The cloud upload feature of Wowonder allows you to use Amazon S3 to remotely upload your images and videos to the cloud. WoWonder is highly secured due to the incorporation of the latest technology and is fully responsive since it is built on a popular Bootstrap framework, a feature that makes it to be fully mobile responsive.

Lastly, its powerful Admin Panel cannot be overemphasized, it enables you to manage the contents of your website such as users, posts, pages, groups, settings, and the style of your website just from the full management control panel. Also, you can earn more money by monetizing your website with numerous subscription plans or by simply displaying Ads on your website. Instant messaging with your friends, family, and relatives as well as audio, video calls, emojis, group chat, and much more makes the Wowonder messaging system great and amazing. If you are interested in finding friends nearby, you can simply apply the relationship or gender filters, which allow you to find real-time friends within your vicinity. For more information about Wowonder, please visit its official website.


Sngine is a Hypertext Pre-processor (PHP) social network script that enables you to create your social website or online community.

The platform is feasible with ultimate features and can be launched in just a minute. Sngine is fast, secured, and updated regularly.

It has an amazing Admin and & Moderator Panel that allows you to configure your website settings, change the theme, and language, and much more. Sngine remarkable features include video & audio calls, Ads system, monetization-monetize your website via ads system, pro packages, subscription, and membership plans; post reactions, day/night mode, stories, forums, blogs, market place, movies, point systems, affiliates, gifts system, a friend nearby, cloud storage, custom fields, invitations system, directory, social logins, languages, among others. Also, there are advanced features such as two-factor authentication, Ad-block detector, daytime welcome message, browser notification, SMS verification, boost posts & pages, newsletter, email notifications, and verification requests. For more information on Sngine, kindly visit its official website.

What features do Wowonder and Sngine share?

Both Wowonder and Sngine shared a lot of common features. Here are some of their common features: audio calls, video calls, group chat, friends nearby, post reactions, instant messaging, monetization, ads system, admin panel, etc. All the Admin features of both scripts are the same and are handy. Both scripts are not expensive, so one can easily obtain a subscription to create a unique site or an online community.

What differentiates the two social network scripts, or which one is better?

While it is evident that both social scripts shared a lot of great common features; however, one cannot ignore their uncommon features. As Manisa Serpov rightly put it

You cannot compare Sngine script with a Wowonder script, a huge script. Wowonder script is more popular and considered to be the first script on the market that allows you to start your social-script website packed with full mobile applications.

Additionally, the code structure of Wowonder has a full Application Programming Interface (API) system, which makes it unique and more powerful than other scripts like Sngine. The API system is very huge, and it covers nearly every function.

Besides the API system of Wowonder, all the new features which come regularly with each update are not seen on other social scripts, but other social scripts are cloning the coding from Wowonder and adding these codes to their codes

@Mania Serpov

On the other hand, Sngine has a good documentation compared to Wowonder. The coding system in Sngine is very hard to read; however, Sngine lacks certain features, which are available for free in Wowonder. Unlike Sngine, you cannot update Wowonder from the site, and you may encounter some minor errors in the PHP in Wowonder updates.

While both scripts are inexpensive, Wowonder is a little costly compared to Sngine, but you will never regret purchasing Wowonder considering its great features.

Summarily, social networking is the ultimate online platform, which is, utilized to build your social network and as well as social relations. By employing the above-mentioned two of the best social networking services, you can easily create your site to interact with your clients and, improve your business standards. Both Wowonder and Sngine are great social network scripts with many shared features, for such purposes. However, considering the API system of Wowonder and the inclusion of the latest technology, I would like to emphasize that Wowonder is a better social script compared to Sngine.

WoWonder provides migration service from Sngine script to their own script, their support team will do the task in less than 48 hours which is something interesting and newly added on their last update.

If you are contemplating creating your site, I strongly recommend the WoWonder script for a better experience.

UltaHost offers free installation for your Social networking script, check and pick one of our Social Network Hosting plans and get your script installed in less than 30 minutes.


Is Sngine considered a copy of WoWonder?

Depending on multiple developers who made the analyses they claimed that Sngine is one of the PHP scripts clones of WoWonder it may be released before WoWonder but since 2016 the script became a copy of WoWonder releasing features after WoWonder updates and using the same headlines and same image designs on the Envato item page, Sngine Features are usually a copy of WoWonder it comes after the WoWonder Updates in a couple of months.

Which PHP Social Script is The Best and Top Rated?

WoWonder is a leading (PHP) social network script this year and for the past 5 years, WoWonder is considered by thousands of users as the best social script, Because it is fast, secured, and multi-platform such as Website, Desktop, Android, IOS, and is updated regularly every few months.

Can I migrate my Sngine database to WoWonder?

Sence 2022 WoWonder announced the ability to migrate 5 PHP social scripts ex: (Jcow, PHP Social, PHPFox, and more) where Sngine is one of them.

What features do Wowonder and Sngine share?

Both Wowonder and Sngine shared a lot of common features. WoWonder comes with a full API system and Extra mobile apps which you can buy for an extra price.

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