Moving a Blog from to Your WordPress Hosting

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At first glance, it may seem that one of the simplest ways to start a blog or a website is to use a blogging platform like Unfortunately, it could be a dead end that will make it more difficult for you to develop your site over time. However, if you’ve gone in that direction and regret it, I’ll show you how to bypass limitations and move your site to your WordPress hosting server.

As your site grows, so do your needs. You may need new features or plugins and more space for your site files. The lack of your professional domain can also become a burden. The sooner you move from the platform, the sooner you regain total control over your site.

Where to start when moving a blog from to your server?

Choosing Hosting

The first step is to choose hosting. A hosting server is where all files, your website, application, or other online resources are stored. It is designed to work around the clock, ensuring uninterrupted website availability. Web hosting can be provided by hosting providers who manage and maintain these servers and provide server space to their customers in exchange for a fee. There are several types of hosting services.

Domain Purchase

The next step is purchasing a domain, which is the address for your website or blog. If your site currently has an address like, you can acquire a domain like Sounds better, doesn’t it? A custom domain significantly enhances brand perception among both readers and advertisers.

In most cases, you can purchase a domain from the hosting provider. It eliminates additional complexities associated with linking it to the server, and sometimes hosting companies even offer a complimentary domain.

WordPress Installation

With WordPress hosting you don't need to worry about WordPress installation - UltaHost will install it automatically.

Once you have acquired hosting and a domain, it’s time to install WordPress. You can do it yourself through the hosting management panel, or you can have the hosting support team install WordPress for you. Alternatively, you can opt for WordPress hosting, a specialized hosting service optimized for WordPress-based websites.

Shared hosting and WordPress hosting are very similar, but a server configured specifically for this CMS platform allows for faster and more stable operation of WordPress sites. The server is equipped with content management tools, automatic updates, and security features tailored to the needs of WordPress users.

Some hosting providers also include additional solutions with WordPress hosting, such as free access to premium plugins, premium themes, or special proprietary tools like page builders and SEO optimization tools.

Moving a Blog from to Your Server

It’s time to export data from To begin with, log in to your blog to export all content and media. In the admin panel, find the “Export” option among the tools. Click it. Then, you can move the entire content or specific items such as individual posts or pages.

Next, the system will provide you with the option to download the archive with the data on your device. In the next step, you need to log in to the admin panel of your new WordPress site and proceed with importing data from your WordPress blog. From the “Tools” menu, select “Import.”

How to secure your WordPress website? doesn’t provide you with any options to secure your site; you have to rely on default security measures. However, if you care about making your site resilient to DDoS attacks, malware, and other online threats, you need the right hosting server.

You’ll find a plugin there that enables you to migrate your site. Install it. If the installation is successful, click “Run Importer” – the option will appear where “Install” was. Now, choose the file containing the data from your blog that you downloaded and saved on your device. Note that you downloaded an archive, so extract it and specify the XML file with the data.

Click “Choose the file on the server and import it.”. Next, the system will ask you to whom the posts in the file should be assigned. You can add a new author or select one from the existing authors. You can also indicate whether you want to download and import attachments. Click the “Submit” button and wait for a moment.

If you have a large number of files to transfer, the import may be interrupted due to server limitations. But even if that happens, there’s no need to worry! In such a case, follow the above steps again, and the import will resume from where it left off. If everything went according to plan, you should see the message “All done. Have fun!”

Is It Worth Moving Your Blog from to Your Server?

The process requires some effort and a few decisions, such as selecting hosting and a domain. You cannot transfer the template from You can install it manually, but you probably wouldn’t want to keep it, as WordPress offers extensive customization options and provides you with a choice of hundreds of free templates for WordPress.

Moving to your server comes with many other benefits, and a greater variety of templates is just one of them. Remember that the vast WordPress library is not the only option – you can purchase a professional template from one of the premium resources for WordPress, like ThemeForest.

Additionally, you will finally be able to install plugins that will assist you with site optimization. In general, transferring your blog from to your server opens up vast possibilities for SEO. You can not only install plugins such as Yoast SEO but also establish your formatting styles to combine SEO and UX.

A significant advantage is the absence of unwanted ads. Now, your blog will be under your control. You can place ads yourself and thus earn from them, or you can completely opt out of ads.

Advanced users will appreciate the ability to access and modify code, enabling more intricate modifications or the insertion of external code. However, even novice users can benefit by adding Google Analytics tracking code to their blogs.

Your blog offers you ample opportunities to monetize it, with the best option being your online store. If you want to sell your products or services, you can easily create your online store and integrate it with your blog.


However, remember that the main difference between the blogging platform and the WordPress installed on your hosting is who owns the blog. The owner of the hosting server is the owner of the blog.

When creating content on, you are dependent on the decisions of Automattic – it is a private company that created based on the WordPress system. Automattic imposes its rules on you, such as the inability to earn from your site or an unprofitable subscription system, but that’s not the worst part.

The worst part is that the company’s terms of service or policies can always change. Some content may be monitored and censored; the company may delete your blog without stating a reason or even go out of business – and then you will irretrievably lose the content you’ve created.

So, if you are serious about your blog, it’s better not to settle for half-measures like blogging platforms. Instead, directly purchase hosting – it could be the cheapest WordPress hosting for $29.50 annually with a free domain – and from the very beginning, be practically unrestricted as the owner of your site.

Having your hosting will allow you to install plugins and themes, censor, place ads, or earn in any other way. Your hosting – your site – your decisions.

Do you want to start? Buy fast WordPress Hosting and create your website on WordPress with UltaHost! Get 24/7 support from our support team. Our powered infrastructure focuses on auto-scaling, performance, and security. Let us show you the difference! Check out our plans!   


How do I install WordPress after getting hosting and a domain?
How do I transfer my blog content from to my server?
What are the benefits of moving my blog from to my server?
Where should I start when moving my blog from to my server?
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